Secure insight – the feature of shopping PayPal 发布的2012电子商务在线购物调研报告和趋势研究

蛮不错的一个调研报告, 由 PayPal 编辑发布的。 

Earlier this year, PayPal released the latest Secure Insight report, The
Future of Shopping. You may find the following highlights useful as you
continue to grow your business this year and beyond:

The Australian online commerce market is growing rapidly and is expected to hit $34.8 billion in 2013
Many Australia retailers are only just beginning their online journey
Australian shoppers still prefer to shop domestically, with 70% of online spending at local stores
PayPal is seeing huge growth in mobile payments, which grew 500% in 2011!


Read the full report




  1. eBay:营收32.77亿美元,同比增29%;净利5.7亿,增20%;
  2. 亚马逊:营收131.8亿,增34%;净利1.3亿,降35%;
  3. Groupon:营收5.6亿,增89%;亏损收窄92%;
  4. 当当:营收1.721亿增58%,亏1580万;
  5. 麦考林:营收3710万,降22.8%;
  6. 唯品会:营收1亿增250%,亏860万
